From time to time, people ask me what I carry in my backpack when traveling, hiking, and backpacking. This blog post holds the answer! If you’re a beginner and want inspiration on what gear to get, this blog post is for you. If you’re experienced and just want to peek into another like-minded traveler’s backpack, …
Hvad for noget udstyr er det rigtige? Hvad skal man opgradere først? Hvor meget udstyr er for meget? Der er mange spørgsmål, når man åbner porten til udendørslivet og gerne vil fylde sin rygsæk med vandreudstyr. Det her blogindlæg skal forsøge at besvare nogle af de spørgsmål. Indlægget er til dig, der er nybegynder og …
Find some travel buddies, travel in the off seasons, and choose cheap destinations … There are countless tips, and you’ve probably heard most of them before. So, for this blog post, I want to give you some specific budget-friendly advice on saving up for your journey and saving a penny or two while on the …
Rejs sammen med nogen, rejs udenfor sæson, vælg billige lande… Der er utallige råd, og du har sikkert hørt mange af dem før. Det her blogindlæg handler om mine bedste og konkrete spareråd til, hvordan du kan spare op til at rejse mere, og hvordan du kan spare på udgifterne, imens du rejser, ved at …
A friend once asked me, “but how do you do it? Where do you start?” when talking about travelling and how she wanted to travel more but didn’t know how to begin. That’s a very good question, and I’m here to answer it to the best of my knowledge. In this blog post, I’ll go …
Jeg fik engang spørgsmålet, ”jamen, hvordan gør man overhovedet? Hvor skal man starte?” fra en veninde, der godt kunne tænke sig at rejse mere, men simpelthen ikke vidste, hvordan hun skulle komme i gang. I det her indlæg vil jeg derfor forklare, hvordan jeg gør, når jeg planlægger en rejse. Min mand og jeg rejser …
Sometimes my motivation is just non-existent. Sometimes it comes during the day, I just have to procrastinate for a bit. Sometimes it’s there in the morning hours, sometimes in the middle of the night. Mostly it comes when I’m in no position to make use of it; in the shower, when I’m grocery shopping or …
Located about 35 km south of Aalborg in the northern Jutland in Denmark you’ll find the second largest forest in Denmark. There are a lot of access points and multiple parking spots surrounding the forest and inside of the forest. Being the second largest forest in Denmark, naturally there’s a lot of ground to …
When I say West coast, I mean the West coast in its entirety, not just California. All the way from Seattle in Washington to San Diego in California. That also means that this is not a complete list. There are many more things to see along the West coast than the few I can name …
Hi there!
My name is Anne Myrup Frost and I am a freelance photojournalist aka a visual storyteller. Through text and photos I focus on authentic travel, nature, and sustainability. On this website you’ll find my blog, my personal projects and work I’ve done for newspapers and magazines. You’ll also find wedding photos and portraits done for private clients.
I have chosen photojournalism because I love to tell stories. That sounds like a cliché, I know, but I honestly think it’s important for people to know what’s going on outside their own front door. Whether it’s about humans or animals, cities or nature, people must know how beautiful and complex, evil and wonderful our world is.
Photojournalistic Projects
More from the blog
Gear for backpacking – What’s in my backpack?
From time to time, people ask me what I carry in my backpack when traveling, hiking, and backpacking. This blog post holds the answer! If you’re a beginner and want inspiration on what gear to get, this blog post is for you. If you’re experienced and just want to peek into another like-minded traveler’s backpack, …
Udstyr til vandring og backpacking – hvad har jeg i min rygsæk?
Hvad for noget udstyr er det rigtige? Hvad skal man opgradere først? Hvor meget udstyr er for meget? Der er mange spørgsmål, når man åbner porten til udendørslivet og gerne vil fylde sin rygsæk med vandreudstyr. Det her blogindlæg skal forsøge at besvare nogle af de spørgsmål. Indlægget er til dig, der er nybegynder og …
Traveling on a budget – 8 tips for growing your fortune
Find some travel buddies, travel in the off seasons, and choose cheap destinations … There are countless tips, and you’ve probably heard most of them before. So, for this blog post, I want to give you some specific budget-friendly advice on saving up for your journey and saving a penny or two while on the …
Lad formuen vokse – 10 tips til at rejse på budget
Rejs sammen med nogen, rejs udenfor sæson, vælg billige lande… Der er utallige råd, og du har sikkert hørt mange af dem før. Det her blogindlæg handler om mine bedste og konkrete spareråd til, hvordan du kan spare op til at rejse mere, og hvordan du kan spare på udgifterne, imens du rejser, ved at …
How to plan a trip – a beginner’s guide
A friend once asked me, “but how do you do it? Where do you start?” when talking about travelling and how she wanted to travel more but didn’t know how to begin. That’s a very good question, and I’m here to answer it to the best of my knowledge. In this blog post, I’ll go …
Planlæg din rejse – guiden til begynderen
Jeg fik engang spørgsmålet, ”jamen, hvordan gør man overhovedet? Hvor skal man starte?” fra en veninde, der godt kunne tænke sig at rejse mere, men simpelthen ikke vidste, hvordan hun skulle komme i gang. I det her indlæg vil jeg derfor forklare, hvordan jeg gør, når jeg planlægger en rejse. Min mand og jeg rejser …
About Motivation
Sometimes my motivation is just non-existent. Sometimes it comes during the day, I just have to procrastinate for a bit. Sometimes it’s there in the morning hours, sometimes in the middle of the night. Mostly it comes when I’m in no position to make use of it; in the shower, when I’m grocery shopping or …
Exploring one of Denmark’s Largest Forests
Located about 35 km south of Aalborg in the northern Jutland in Denmark you’ll find the second largest forest in Denmark. There are a lot of access points and multiple parking spots surrounding the forest and inside of the forest. Being the second largest forest in Denmark, naturally there’s a lot of ground to …
Road trip in the U.S. – What not to miss along the West coast
When I say West coast, I mean the West coast in its entirety, not just California. All the way from Seattle in Washington to San Diego in California. That also means that this is not a complete list. There are many more things to see along the West coast than the few I can name …
Road Trip in the U.S. – 8 Mistakes to Avoid
Going on a road trip for the very first time is exciting and thrilling. Planning it can be hard work and it might seem like the hardest part. But once on the road you might hit a few more bumps. Our first road trip was along the West Coast of the U.S. for four weeks, …